Adding SUTs in Eggplant Automation Cloud

Before testers can access a system under test (SUT) through Eggplant Automation Cloud, you must add it to the Eggplant Automation Cloud server. You add new SUTs or modify existing SUT information on the SUTs page in the Eggplant Automation Cloud web interface. You can access this page by navigating to Admin > SUTs.

Note: Only users with the Administrator role can see and access the Admin menu.

Using SUT Discovery to Add SUTs

Use the SUT Discovery feature on the SUTs administration page to find test environments and automatically add basic information about the environment. This method is a good choice for adding multiple SUTs as well as for adding mobile device SUTs because much of the information on the New SUT dialog box is filled in for you.

SUT Discovery feature on the SUTs administration page in Eggplant Automation Cloud

Choose Discover LAN SUTs, which locates any environment reachable via your LAN, or Discover USB SUTs, which locates mobile devices (Android or iOS) that are currently connected via USB, or Import SUTs from Eggplant Functional. Follow the appropriate instructions shown below to add SUTs with the automatic discovery feature.

Step by Step: Adding LAN SUTs with SUT Discovery

The following steps guide you through adding SUTs from your LAN by using the SUT Discovery feature:

  1. In Eggplant Automation Cloud, go to the SUTs page by choosing Admin > SUTs, then locate the SUT Discovery section.
  2. Click Discover LAN SUTs. Eggplant Automation Cloud searches for all environments reachable via the LAN. You'll see a progress bar during the search. When the search is complete, the Find LAN SUTs dialog box shows the list of SUTs available to add.
    Add SUTs in the Eggplant Automation Cloud Finding LAN SUTs dialog box
  3. Select the checkbox for the SUTs you want to add, then click Save Selected. The new SUTs are added to the SUTs list at the top of the page. The IP address is added automatically, and the connection type defaults to VNC. To add additional information or change any of the defaults from discovery, see the next step.
  4. Add or update information about the device in the Edit SUT dialog box, if necessary.

The SUT is now ready to be used for running tests.

Step by Step: Adding Mobile Device SUTs with SUT Discovery

The following steps guide you through adding a SUT for a mobile device using the SUT Discovery feature:

  1. Connect the mobile device via USB to the computer where your Eggplant Manager server is running.
  2. In Eggplant Automation Cloud, go to the SUTs page by choosing Admin > SUTs, then locate the SUT Discovery section.
  3. Click Discover USB SUTs. Eggplant Automation Cloud searches for any devices connected via USB. When it finds one, it creates a SUT for it and Eggplant Automation Cloud displays a message similar to this one: Found 1 new USB SUTs! Your new SUT is added to the SUTs list at the top of the page.
    Note: If more than one device is detected, a new SUT is added for each one.
  4. Add or update information about the device in the Edit SUT dialog box, if necessary.

The mobile device SUT is now ready to be used for running tests.

Step by Step: Importing SUTs from Eggplant Functional

The following steps guide you through adding importing SUTs from Eggplant Functional. You can import SUTs that you've defined or added in the Connection List in Eggplant Functional:

  1. Click Import SUTs from Eggplant Functional. The Import SUTs window opens.

    Import SUTs from Eggplant Functional window in Eggplant Automation Cloud

  2. Click Choose File to select your Eggplant Functional preferences file. Follow the instructions to export the preferences file if you haven't done so previously.
  3. Select the SUT you want to import, then click Submit. Your new SUT is added to the SUTs list at the top of the page.

    Import SUTs window with SUTs listed in Eggplant Automation Cloud

  4. Add or update information about the SUT in the Edit SUT dialog box, if necessary.

The imported SUT is now ready to be used for running tests.

Manually Adding SUTs

When you have individual SUTs to add, use the New SUT dialog box on the SUTs administration page. This method requires you to input all the details for the connection, and lets you customize all the information as you enter it. You must use the New SUT dialog box to create a rule-based SUT, as well as certain configurations for mobile device SUTs and VMs.

Step by Step: Adding SUTs with the New SUT Dialog Box

The following instructions guide you through adding a SUT.

  1. In Eggplant Automation Cloud, go to Admin > SUTs.
  2. In the SUTs section, click New SUT to open the New SUT dialog box.
  3. Eggplant Automation Cloud New SUT dialog box

  4. Select the type of SUT you're adding from the Type drop-down list. The next section changes depending on the SUT type you choose. Your choices are:
  5. Note: Your list might also include Mobile Emulator. This SUT type for Android and iOS mobile emulators is available only if you have enabled experimental features on the System Preferences page. Each emulator platform has additional requirements as well.

  6. Select the Active checkbox if you want this SUT to be available to run tests. If the checkbox is not selected, the SUT definition remains but the SUT is unavailable for tests. Default: selected.
  7. Set group membership in the Groups box. When you add new SUTs, the Default Group is automatically selected. Be sure to remove SUTs from this group and add them to your own groups if you intend to use groups to control user access to specific SUTs. For information about using groups to manage access, see Working with Eggplant Automation Cloud Groups.
  8. Enter descriptive text in the Description field, if desired. This field is optional. However, you can use it to provide additional information about the SUT.
  9. On the right side of the New SUT dialog box, fill in the additional information about the SUT. These fields include:
    • Manufacturer
    • Model
    • OS
    • Version
    Note: Although these fields are optional, you should fill them all in if you plan to use Test Advisor to determine coverage.

    Note: If your SUT is a mobile device connected using VNC, click Poll Data to have Eggplant Manager automatically populate these fields.

    SUT Metadata pop-up window in Eggplant Automation Cloud

    If you have custom SUT Tags in your environment, they also appear here. Although these fields are optional, any information you enter can be used for filtering the SUTs list, so it's a good idea to include as much information as you can.

  10. When you finish filling in the information for your new SUT, click Create. Your new SUT appears in the SUTs list.

After a SUT is added, it shows up in the list on the SUTs page.

Editing and Removing Devices

With an administrative account, you can remove SUTs or edit SUT information at any time.

To alter a SUT's information, double-click the SUT in the list or select the SUT in the list and click the Edit SUT button to open the Edit SUT form. This form displays the current information for the SUT. Make any modifications necessary, then click Update to save your changes.

Click Remove on the Edit SUT form if you want to permanently delete the SUT from Eggplant Automation Cloud. If you want to temporarily remove the SUT from availability without deleting it, you can clear the Active checkbox to disable the SUT, as described above. While disabled, a SUT appears on the SUTs page with a status of Inactive, but it won't be available to any users for reservations on the Reservations page.


At the top of the SUTs list, you'll see the Filter area:

Filter area on the SUTs page in Eggplant Automation Cloud

You can apply filters to the list of SUTs to view only SUTs with specific characteristics. Select which filter to apply from the drop-down list in the Filter field, then enter text to filter by in the Value field. The filter is applied in real time as you type.

If you want to filter by additional attributes, click the green plus (+) button to add another filter line. To remove filters, click the red X button.

Creating SUT Tags

If you want to record additional information or attributes for your SUTs, create SUT tags. SUT tags are custom fields that, when created, display on the Create and Edit SUT panels. For example, you might add a field named Device to indicate the type of device as shown in the sample screen below. You can also create SUT tags to add criteria you can use for matching your rule-based SUTs.

SUT Tags area of the SUTs page in Eggplant Automation Cloud

Click New Tag to open the New Tag dialog box:

The New Tag dialog box in Eggplant Automation Cloud

The name you enter for the tag appears in the drop-down list of filters. You can also include a description to explain what the tag is used for and any specific information about how information should be entered. For example, you might include a tag such as Accessibility where you want the information stored as a Boolean, true or false, to indicate whether the SUT has accessibility features turned on.

When you have SUT Tags defined, they appear as fields when you add or edit SUTs:

Adding a new SUT in Eggplant Automation Cloud with SUT Tags defined

The value you enter in the tag field becomes something you can use as a filter. For example, if you defined a Location filter, the value you entered in the field might correspond to the physical location of the SUT. So if you selected Location from the Filter drop-down list, you could enter server room in the Value field to find only SUTs entered with that location.


This topic was last updated on August 19, 2021, at 03:30:51 PM.

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