Example Ruby Script Using Eggdrive

This example shows how you can use Eggdrive in a Ruby script. For more information about how to use Eggdrive, see Using Eggdrive.


require "xmlrpc/client"

# Make an object to represent the XML-RPC server.

server = XMLRPC::Client.new("",nil,5400)

# try to end any existing session


result = server.call("EndSession")

puts result


# doesn't really matter if above failed -- no action required


# Call the remote server and start a session

result = server.call("StartSession", "c:\\Users\Support\Documents\testing.suite")

puts result

# Establish a connection from eggPlant to a SUT

result = server.call("Execute", "Connect (serverID:\"\", password:\"eggplanet\")")

output = result["Output"]

# see what the result of the moveto was

puts "MoveTo output: #{output}"

# Execute a moveto command with an existing image

result = server.call("Execute", "MoveTo ChromeShortcut")

output = result["Output"]

# see what the result of the moveto was

puts "MoveTo output: #{output}"

# Execute a script that returns a text value

result = server.call("Execute", "Run DriveTest")

output = result["Result"]

# see what the result returned by the script was

puts "Script output: #{output}"

# End the remote session

result = server.call("EndSession")

puts result


This topic was last updated on August 19, 2021, at 03:30:51 PM.

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