REST API Methods for Eggplant Manager and Eggplant Automation Cloud

The REST API URLs and methods for working with Eggplant Automation Cloud and Eggplant Manager are listed in the following table. Use the links in the table to go to the pages for the URLs. The pages provide descriptions and examples for the URLs and methods. We've included examples using CURL, though you can use other API clients to implement these methods.

Text shown in italic type in the table below and on the individual method pages indicates values that must be replaced with information from your environment.

Title URL HTTP Method Description


List Tests /api/test GET Returns a list of all tests.
Test by ID /api/test/<id> GET Returns a single test by ID <id>.
Create Test


POST Returns the newly created test.
Update Test


POST Returns the updated test.
Destroy Test


GET Destroys test with ID <id> and returns status.
Execute Test /api/test/<id>/execute GET Executes test with ID <id> and returns test run.


List Scripts


GET Returns a list of all scripts.
Script by ID


GET Returns a single script by ID.
Create Script


POST Returns the newly created script.
Update Script


POST Returns the updated script.
Destroy Script


GET Destroys script with ID <id> and returns status.


List Configurations


GET Returns a list of all configurations.
Configuration by ID


GET Returns a single configuration by ID.
Destroy a Configuration /api/execution_configuration/<id>/destroy GET Destroys a test configuration by ID.
Update a Configuration /api/execution_configuration/<id>/update POST Updates a test configuration by ID.
Create a Configuration /api/execution_configuration/create POST Creates a new test configuration.


List SUTs


GET Returns a list of all SUTs.


GET Returns a single SUT by ID.
Create SUT /api/sut/create POST Creates a SUT.
Destroy SUT by ID /api/sut/<id>/destroy GET Destroys a single SUT by ID.
Update SUT by ID /api/sut/<id>/update POST Updates a SUT by ID.


List Applications /api/managed_application GET Returns a list of all applications.
Application by ID /api/managed_application/<id> GET Returns a single application by ID.
Create Application


POST Returns the newly created app.
Update Application


POST Returns the newly updated app.
Destroy Application /api/managed_application/<id>/destroy GET Destroys the app with ID <id> and returns status.
Install Application /api/managed_application/<id>/install POST Installs the app with ID <id>.


List Users


GET Returns a list of users.
User by ID


GET Returns a single user by ID.


List Reservations


GET Returns a list of SUT reservations.
Reservation by ID


GET Returns a single reservation by ID.
Create Reservation


POST Returns the newly created reservation.
Update Reservation


POST Returns the newly updated reservation.
Destroy Reservation


GET Destroys the reservation with ID <id> and returns status.

Test Runs

List Test Runs /api/test_run


Returns a list of all test runs.
Test Run by ID


GET Returns a single test run by ID.
Destroy Test Run


GET Destroys a test run with ID <id> and returns status.


List Instances


GET Returns a list of all test run instances.
Instance by ID /api/test_run_instance/<id> GET Returns a single test run instance by ID.


List Executions /api/run_instance_execution GET Returns a list of all run instance executions.
Execution by ID /api/run_instance_execution/<id> GET Returns a single run instance execution by ID.

Log Files

List Log Files /api/log_file GET Returns a list of all log files.
Log File by ID /api/log_file/<id> GET Returns a single log file by ID.


Upload File /api/upload POST Uploads a file and returns an upload_id.


This topic was last updated on August 19, 2021, at 03:30:51 PM.

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